

Hello Salusbury School. We have seen your pictures and we think your skeletons are very nice.

These weeks we are learning to name the body parts in English. So, today we made the shape of our bodies on a big paper and we had to put the name of the parts of our body in the correct place.

Here you have some pictures:

We hope you liked our activity!

We have displayed our dancing skeletons.
Have a look at our new class display!


Body Parts

Hola El Carmen School
In Y2 we have been learning about keeping fit and living a healthy life.
We have been learning about body parts, naming them both in English and Spanish.

We all made a paper skeleton 

We used pins to put together the parts of the skeleton 

This is what our skeleton looks like


Hola El Carmen School!
We are excited to start this blog with you.
Hasta pronto!