Do you like our hair style? Our seed have grown and given us long hair!

Hola El Carmen School,

Gracias por la canción. We loved the song ' Plant a little seed' and we are curious to know if it is your own song.  We also incorporate singing into our language learning. It makes things much more fun, do you agree?

We haven't made the experiment where you put leaves to soak in colour water. It is interesting to see how your leaves absorbed the water and changed their colour!

What we have done is to plant grass seeds in a plastic cup.  We added tierra y agua. We left the cups near the window so seed get sol y aire. Basically, the four things plants need to grow. We will let you know when seeds grow.

Here are some photos of us planting the seeds
Yasmin & Preston
 Joshua & Victoria
 Lola & Carlos
 Helena & Arta

Hola amigos de El Carmen School,

Thanks for sharing your photos with us. We can see you have been busy learning about plants!
We have made some predictions about who's seeds will grow. We think that Iria's plant has more chances that Monica's to grow. Water is very important and one of the things plants need.

We also think that Manuela's plant will not grow as it has no light. Do you agree with us?

Air is also important and we predicted that Isabel's plant will grow tall and beautiful.

You can not forget the soil! We are looking forward to seeing Pablo's plant growing.

In Year 3 we have been also learning about what plants need to grow. We made a corridor display with information on what is important for a plant to live.

We have also made bilingual labels for our 'Green Space', a school garden where we plant lots of vegetables.
Jacob drew una calabaza
Bryan also dew una calabaza

Maryem likes guisantes

Red pimiento chilli from Ibraheem

Beautiful juicy tomates

Que ricos los tomates de Kit!

Hello Salusbury School,

After Easter we are learning what plants need to grow. Today we have planted some seeds (with soil, sand or rocks, with water, without water...) because we want to see if they grow or not.

We'll see what happens.

Here you have some pictures:

Iria "With water"
Mónica "Without water"
Olivia "With light"
Manuela "Without light"
Isabel "With air"
Ibai "Without air"
Lucía "In warm temperature"
Ruth "In cold temperature"
Valeria "In hot temperature"
Inés "In sand"
Nuria "In pebbles"
Pablo "In soil"

Hello Salusbury School,

This week we have put some leaves in a glass with red water. Some days later we saw how our leaves changed their colour. They were red too!!!!! This is because they absorbed red water!!!!

These are the pictures:

By the way, our plants have not started growing yet............. :(   We will inform you when they germinate.

Here is the song we have been learning these days. It is related to plants and its title is "Plant a little seed". We hope you like it.

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