Here you have some of the games we usually play:
We play this game in the P.E. class. All the class has to hide except for one who has to look for the rest. When he/ she finds one person, he/ she has to go to the centre of the class and say "Bote botero por..... (and the name of the person)". Now this person can't continue in the game until one of the rest goes to the centre and kicks a ball.
One person has to chase the rest and when he/ she chases someone, the person chased has to stop with his/ her arms up until a partner comes to rescue him/ her by going under his/ her legs.
All sit down making a circle and one boy or girl has to be the cat, so he/ she goes to the middle and says "Miauuu" to each of his/ her partners. If one of them laughs, he/ she will be the cat now but if they don't laugh, they will say "Pobre gatito lindo".
All the class has to run from one part of the gym to the other not being touched by the boy/ girl who is in the middle. When someone is touched, he/ she will have to be in the middle too.
One boy/ girl has to look at the wall and say "Al escondite inglés, sin mover las manos ni los pies". During this time, the rest of the class has to move towards him/ her. Then, he/ she turns back and if he/ she sees someone moving, he/ she is eliminated.
One boy/ girl has to close his/ her eyes and someone of the class will tell him/ her "Quack, quack". He/she has to guess who said that.
The four dogs and the hunter will be in the middle and the rest of the class has to croos from one part of the gym to the other. The dogs can only move sideways but they can't touch anyone. However, if the hunter touches you, you are eliminated.
All the children make a circle and one of them stands in the middle counting (in silence) until 50. While he/ she is doing that, the rest has to pass a ball. When he/ she finishes, he/ she has to say "Bomba" and the boy or girl who has the ball in his/ her hands is eliminated and has to sit down.
All the children have to wear a piece of cloth in their backs and the rest have to take it..
The children make two groups and each boy/ girl has a number. One person will stand in the middle of the two groups with a piece of cloth in his/ her hand and he/ she will say a number. The child from each group who has this number will run to take the piece of cloth and come back with it in his/ her hand. The child who cannot take the piece of cloth is eliminated.
The children make a circle and one of them stands in the middle with a piece of cloth around his/ her eyes. Now there is a dialogue between him/ her and the rest:
- Children: "Gallinita, gallinita, ¿qué se te ha perdido?"
- Boy/ girl: "Una aguja y un dedal".
- Children: "Pues da tres vueltecitas y lo encontrarás".
The boy/ girl turns around himself/ herself three times and walks until he/ she touches some of his/ her friends. Now he/ she has to guess who he/ she is touching.
- Children: "Gallinita, gallinita, ¿qué se te ha perdido?"
- Boy/ girl: "Una aguja y un dedal".
- Children: "Pues da tres vueltecitas y lo encontrarás".
The boy/ girl turns around himself/ herself three times and walks until he/ she touches some of his/ her friends. Now he/ she has to guess who he/ she is touching.
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